
"Georgian Language e-Learning Course" is a series of lessons (140 topics/lesson), which allows the computer users to study the Georgian language (grammar, vocabulary, phraseology) thoroughly according to the EU standards - A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels; to develop speaking and writing skills.

The guide of the program, on the head page, includes a lesson list. It is divided into the following blocks:

• Listening / Speaking

• Reading / Writing

• Grammar

• Vocabulary

• Dictionary

Listening/Speaking part consists of audio or video files and different types of tasks. The listening text, as a rule, is communicative (mostly - dialogs). After listening to audio or video texts a learner does the tasks (both interactive and individual) that help to improve listening and speaking skills.


Reading / Writing part includes texts and different types of exercises based on them; These exercises are focused on developing reading and writing skills. At the initial stage (first 6 lessons) special emphasis lies on developing motor skills (writing Georgian letters, an intense exercise, specific letters and sounds and Georgian sound-complexes ...).


The Grammar part consists of practical issues of grammar and allows a learner to become familiar with an definition of a certain grammatical category or a concept; This part of the course is optional and is only for learners who are oriented to study the language systematically. Theoretical material is followed by practical exercises that are based on the material created by the authors.

The vocabulary part is focused on simplifying studying the vocabulary. In this case specially designed crosswords are particularly interesting. The course covers a wide variety of other types of exercises.


Each lesson is accompanied by the glossary of the used new words and phrases. Overall, five translating dictionaries are included.


The course includes three types of exercises:


1. Interactive tasks, which are performed with the help of the program (connecting questions and answers, inserting the missing words or phrases, filling in tables and crosswords etc.);

2. Writing assignments, which will be done independently.


3. Questions, which are aimed at testing the comprehension of the text;


After successfully overcoming the A1 level the student has a basic knowledge to understand A2, B1 and B2 level texts and to do tasks using the dictionary.

Each of the four levels has relevant tests to check the knowledge.

"Georgian Language e-Learning Course" will be placed on the Internet at the following address: and will be free of charge to any interested person.

The project was financed by the International Fund "Open Society - Georgia" (Project Code: GS/32/11-17759) on August 6, 2011 and its implementation period was 12 months. In the first stage, the set of A1, A2, B1 levels of the Georgian language e-course was created and in the next stages the "Open Society - Georgia" continued financing the project (project code CS/21/13 - 19286) on November 2013. The course was added the B2 level with the 40 topics / lessons; The project also included the trainings for teachers who teach Georgian as a second language to understand the rules of the use of electronic resources and disseminate the information about modern methods of teaching.

The Project Staff:

Mariam Manjgaladze – Director

Kakha Gabunia - Consultant

Lia Bakuradze - Georgian language expert

Ketevan Gochitashvili - Georgian language expert

Chabuki Kiria - Georgian language expert

Teimuraz Khundadze - programmer, web design specialist

Ilia Chrelashvili - Illustrator

Gizkhanum Akhmedova - Azerbaijani language experts

Elvira Aslanovi - Azerbaijani language experts

Zoya Mkhitaryan - Armenian language expert

Malkhaz Shurghulaia - Methodist

Ekaterine Navrozashvili - Methodist

Diana Kakashvili - Assistant


Project authors: Marim Manjaladze and Ketevan Gochitashvili


We want to express our special gratitude to the fund  "Open Society - Georgia" for the project support!


We are ready to receive and respond to any comments with appreciation: